Sunday, June 9, 2013

New Hip Hop Artist On The Rise In Virginia!

RockRadio99.3 had an opportunity to sit down with Marcky Goldchain prior to his music video shoot. He has been busy working on production, lyrics and recording. We sat down for a couple of minutes during the video shoot to interview this up and coming Hip Hop Artist.
RR99.3: What is your name?
MW:       Marcus Wright....AKA. Marcky Goldchain
RR99.3: Where did you grow up?
MW:     I grew up in Englewood, New Jersey and Hackensack....then moved to VA
RR99.3: Who was a major influence on you?
MW:   Jay Z, My Mom, Biggie, Ma$e, anybody who has ever done something timeless
RR99.3: Why Hip Hop, what drives you?
MW: Hip Hop/Music is one of the only things in the world I feel like I can control. I like to help people,  I like to look cool, and I like to lead an influence. This is a sport where I can do all 3.
The artists I've met that tell me my day is coming soon, my friends that love the music from even across the world let me know to keep going.
RR99.3: What is your process when it comes to lyrics and production?
MW: I try to go off whatever feels right, Honestly I stopped actually writing my lyrics down so now its kind of a process similar to Biggie Smalls's writing tactics.
RR99.3: Are you looking for representation?
MW: That's something I ask myself everday. At some point I can see where it could be perfect, but then again, I've did most of this so far on my own. I think that will happen on its own at the right time and place.
RR993: How far are you looking to go?
MW: I want to take over the whole game, get my family straight, get alot of people help they need, ultimately make the most money possible and change the world.
RR99.3: Who would you like to collaborate with?
MW: Jay-Z, Kendrick Lamar, Lauryn Hill, Ma$e, Miguel and Schoolboy Q
RR99.3 When did you come in to the game?

MW: I've always loved music but I'd say I officially came into the game around 12/13 when I wrote my first song.
RR99.3: What do you see now in your performance that is different than when you started?

MW: I'm getting really ill at controlling crowds, making people feel what I felt with my music. I been working really hard to still improve. The upcoming LATGA show will be cool.
RR99.3: Thank you so much for taking time out of your shooting schedule to speak to us.
MW: I appreciate you guys and what you do for music!
Contact Information:
Twitter: @MarckyGoldchain
Click Here for the New Video:

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